Glare Dip Media Opc Pvt. Ltd. - Digital Marketing logo

Glare Dip Media Opc Pvt. Ltd.

Owner: Deepesh Pandey Business ID: 1447

02 Sep, 2020   Udaipur, Rajasthan

Short Info

Phone No: 9649234234, 9252799492 , 02942940894

Whatsapp No: 9649234234


Address: 5, 2nd floor, Shyam Plaza, Hazareshwar Colony, Udaipur


Glare dip Media, a prominent advertising and Branding Company in Udaipur has created a milestone in the online and offline marketing and media management for serving clients with impeccable services over the 14+ years of experience. We are offering consultancy, PR and a Prominent Advertising and Branding services to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Startups, Organizations, Local Business Establishments, Corporates, Banks, School. If you are planning to Start a Business, Expand, Diversify, looking forward to expanding your customer base and outreach, it is the right choice wherein we provide a complete package to grow your business online and offline. Being a value-based enterprise, we strongly believe in promoting best practices, innovation, and corporate social responsibility. We established a benchmark in delivering highly robust, efficient, and reliable solutions, which span across enterprise-class, online services like Web Designing and Development, Graphic Designing, Digital Marketing, etc. and offline marketing services like Newspaper, F.M. Radio, T.V. Commercial, Hoarding, Printing, Press Conference etc.

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