Hotel Ganpati - Hotel logo

Hotel Ganpati

Owner: Chandra Singh Kothari Business ID: 81

23 Oct, 2016   Udaipur, Rajasthan

Short Info

Phone No: 7976049515, 9928843173 , 2942410173

Whatsapp No: 7976049515


Address: 10,motikunj, Krishna niwas Shakti Nagar corner Udaipur Rajasthan 313001


Hotel ganpati is the best hotel to provided 24 hours for customers rooms services. 18 super deluxe rooms Hotel ganpati with parking area Hotel ganpati with terrace garden Hotel ganpati with breakfast Hotel ganpati with restaurant enjoy the food to customers rooms facility Free wifi, T.v,phone,A.c., bathroom, Single and double rooms Spotless

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