
AstroTalk is one of the Top Most Online Astrology Websites in India.
You can connect with top astrologers online through call or chat and
ask them about your future career, health, relationship, and many
other things that you wish to ask to an astrologer. We have more than
450+ astrologers online with a number of different skill set like
Vedic Astrology, KP Astrology, KB Astrology, Tarot Card Reading and
many other skills.
Our Top astrologers have been practicing this skill for the past 30
years and has helped more than 900,000+ people all around the world.
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Owner: AstroTalk Business ID: 1213

01 Jan, 1970   Jaipur, Rajasthan

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Phone No: 7042808981


Address: Spring House- 4th floor (Pioneer House Building), Sector 16, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

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