Orthoplus - Orthopedic logo


Owner: Prashant Maheshwari Business ID: 1158

31 Dec, 1969   Udaipur, Rajasthan

Short Info

Phone No: 9414833849

Whatsapp No: 9414833849

Email: prashant501847@gmail.com

Address: Orthoplus , VM complex , opposite satellite hospital Hiran magri Sector 6 udaipur


orthopedic superspeciality clinic 

Established in the year 2014, Ortho Plus-Apex Sonography Center in Sec 6, Udaipur-rajasthan is a top player in the category Colour Doppler Sonography Centres in the Udaipur-rajasthan. This well-known establishment acts as a one-stop destination servicing customers both local and from other parts of Udaipur-rajasthan. 

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